How do I set my availability for Poached Shifts?

To set your availability:

  1. Open the Shifts tab in the app
  2. Click on the Shift Settings tab and select Edit next to Availability and Notifications
  3. A form will appear where you can select the times and days you’re available to pick up shifts. 

By setting your availability, you can control the notifications you receive about new shifts. We will only notify you of shifts that align with your specified availability. If you ever need to temporarily disable shift notifications, simply toggle off the "I'm available to pick up shifts" option.

It is important to remember that you must always have the required county or state Food Handler's card while working a shift. Additionally, if you are involved in pouring or serving alcohol, you must possess the equivalent county or state Liquor License. This ensures that you are compliant with the necessary regulations and prepared for your role.